Sometimes we have special menu items that feature our products. These are the same foods that we purchase at grocery stores for our families, and the same foods thatĮveryone else eats. In reality, all types of foods can be found in our cafeterias. It’s a myth that started back in 1999 and continues today. There is a belief that Monsanto won’t serve GM foods-or that we serve only organic food-in our cafeterias. If GMOs are so great, why does Monsanto serve organic produce in it’s cafeteria?
“According to official statistics the share of GMO in the Russian food industry has declined from 12 percent to just 0.01 percent over the past 10 years” GMO food is banned in Russia, bastion of all that is good and manly. Just like the anti-‘racist’ crowd, feminists and warmists.”
“The anti-GMO crowd will just throw out any claim they can come up with, confident that no one will dare question them. “Gene-modified food leads to weight gain now? Proof please.